Copyright Office Requires Update of All DMCA Agents to Maintain Protection from LiabilityIf your company owns or operates a website that allows users to post content online (text, images, video, etc.), then a recent rule change from the U.S. Copyright Office means...
Month: November 2016
Writing and Developing Your College Textbook: A Comprehensive Guide
Scheduled for release in December of 2016, Steve Gillen's new book from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA) will help you take your textbook project from concept to completion. In their three section book, Writing and Developing Your College...
The Textbook Author’s Kevin Patton Gives Glowing Review of Steve Gillen’s New Book
Steve Gillen's new book (co-authored with Mary Ellen Lepionka and Sean W. Wakely), Writing and Developing Your College Textbook: A Comprehensive Guide, will help you take your textbook project from concept to completion."This guide is an essential tool for anyone...
Greg Ahrens Is Named VP of the Cincy/NKY Federal Bar Association
Congratulations to Greg Ahrens on the occasion of his elevation to Vice President of the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. Greg was sworn in by Chief Judge Susan Dlott this past Tuesday the 25th.
What You Need to Know About Copyright Mandatory Deposit
You could be in the book publishing business for a very long time and never see one. But if by chance it one day appears, it will likely have come to you in the mail from the Office of the Register of Copyrights. At the top, the paper will read "Notice for Mandatory...