This year marks the first in two decades that a significant body of copyrighted work has lost its U.S. copyright protection and fallen into the public domain. Why is that...and what does it mean for scholars and educators? Prior to 1978, the term of copyright...
There’s Something New You Need to Know About Copyright Safe Harbor
If you operate a website where you allow either contributors or site visitors to post content or comments, there is something you need to know: As the website operator, you may be liable for any third-party claims that are triggered by what your contributors/users...
Copyright ‘safe harbor’: A primer for PR pros
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act serves to police online content, so don't mistakenly error. Protect your organization or client and avoid legal repercussions by following these steps. How carefully do you walk the copyright tightrope?Success in public...
What You Need to Know About Fair Use
Copyright protection is automatic in the US and most of the civilized countries of the world. Create a work of original expression, record it, and monopoly rights vest automatically. If that were all it took, though, pushing the envelope of art, science, or culture by...
Client Alert – Copyright Office DMCA Agent Update
Copyright Office Requires Update of All DMCA Agents to Maintain Protection from LiabilityIf your company owns or operates a website that allows users to post content online (text, images, video, etc.), then a recent rule change from the U.S. Copyright Office means...
What You Need to Know About Copyright Mandatory Deposit
You could be in the book publishing business for a very long time and never see one. But if by chance it one day appears, it will likely have come to you in the mail from the Office of the Register of Copyrights. At the top, the paper will read "Notice for Mandatory...