Put Our Intellectual Property Expertise To Work for You

Protecting Your Assets Through Enforcement And Litigation

For over 150 years, we have stood by our clients, especially when their assets are being threatened. At Wood Herron & Evans, our lawyers believe in ensuring that our clients fully understand all aspects of intellectual property litigation, including its pitfalls.

With fine-tuned preparation, we protect and enforce our clients’ rights in the courts as well as through alternative dispute resolution methods, including arbitration and mediation. Our enforcement and litigation practice group includes a number of seasoned litigators and support staff who are well-equipped to prosecute or defend all types of intellectual property litigation matters.

Proven Reputation In Court

Our intellectual property litigation attorneys have a proven track record of success within the state and federal courts across the country, including the Supreme Court of the United States and the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

Because we are a boutique IP firm, we have the experience and practice background in all aspects of intellectual property, including:

  • Patents
  • Trade secrets
  • Trademarks
  • Copyrights
  • Licensing

With our experience as practicing intellectual property attorneys and litigators, we offer our clients the technical and legal expertise needed to be successful in an enforcement or litigation matter. We also offer our clients counsel on managing their intellectual property portfolio, including advising clients on how to better avoid the need to pursue enforcement and litigation.

Find Out More About Your Enforcement Options

From our Cincinnati-based office, we represent clients both domestically and internationally. Contact us online, or call our firm at 888-564-4421.